Setting Up FTP for Automatic Reports

Roles: Admin
Last updated: January 2020

Automatic reports can be transferred to your company's FTP server at the day, week, or month interval that is designated for a report template.


There are multiple ways to send reports:

  1. Email reports to contacts
  2. FTP transfer (this article)
  3. API

Navigate to the FTP Settings


  1. Select the API page from the left Home menu
  2. Select the FTP Info tab on the right
  3. Select the Edit Settings button

Test Connection

Enter your FTP server credentials, then select the save option.

Select the Test Connection button and a connection will be attempted.

Folder and File Organization of Transferred Reports

Reports are transferred using a folder directory structure starting with the Property Management Company the property has been listed under, then a folder for the Property Name. All reports which have been enabled for that property are transferred to that directory.

Folder Structure:

  • Root-Directory/Property-Management-Company/Property-Name/All-Reports.csv



Configuring Report File Names:

Automatic reports can have a custom file name that can help you identify the property and the reporting date range.