User Account Activation and Sign-In
Roles: Admin, Billing Managers, and Technicians
Last updated: January 2020
Account creation and activation occurs when an admin-user adds you for access at the company or a specific property. Or, if your company has recently purchased NextCentury equipment and you have completed a New Company form.
In order to first log in to the NextCentury system, you must first activate your account by clicking on the link provided in the Account Activation email.
Who adds my account access in the NextCentury system?
If you work for a company that uses the NextCentury system:
An admin-user at your company must add your account in order to initiate your activation email.
If you purchased NextCentury equipment and need to have an account:
If you have not yet received any information from NextCentury regarding your account, please contact your distributor to review your account access and/or to request the NextCentury New Company form.
If you are not able to get this information from your distributor, please contact Support.
If you need to install NextCentury equipment for a client:
Please contact your client and request that they add your account access to the property you will be installing.
If this is your first installation, please feel free to contact Support to sign-up for a free technician training.
If you have been added, but you can't find your activation email:
Be sure to check your Spam folder. If you are able to find the email there, designate the email as not spam and add "server@nextcenturymeters" as an email contact to ensure you receive future system emails.
If you are not able to locate the email in your Spam folder, it may be blocked by acompany email management system. Please contact Support for assistance.
If your account activation does not work
Please contact Support and one of our specialists will be happy to assist you.